Allen Academy is able to provide students with three levels of academic support. Classroom interventions are the first level, used as a proactive approach for students who need academic support in one or more subject areas with the ultimate goal of mastering skills. Students who have diagnosed learning disabilities or other health impairments may be eligible to receive classroom accommodations and/or academic interventions. Both of these levels require proper documentation for students to receive services.
Role of the Learning Support Specialist
A Learning Support Specialist is an educator dedicated to academic support services. Their role is to provide support to students with a Student Support Plan requiring additional support services. This does not include occupational, speech, or behavior therapy.
Academic Intervention
Available To: Students with a diagnosed learning disability
Implemented By: Learning Support Specialist
Requirements: Full formal educational evaluation specifically stating the need for additional specialized services due to a learning disability
Determination for this level of support requires students to have a full formal educational evaluation performed by a diagnostician, psychologist, or medical doctor that results in the diagnosis of a learning disability or other health impairment that causes barriers to learning. The evaluation must state the student requires support from a learning support specialist outside of the regular classroom.