6th Grade Basic Health Education
Dear Allen Academy Parents,
The service our School Nurse provides to your child during school hours is an important part of his/her day in the event of illness or injury. In preparation for the upcoming school year, Nurse Vessell will be continuing the following policies to help us give your child the best care possible.
Allen Academy’s medication policy reflects compliance with the Texas Education Code, Section 22.052, and the Texas Board of Nursing and Nurse Practice Act.
- The nurse does NOT have any stock medication to provide any student or staff (to include Tylenol, Ibuprofen, cough drops, Hydrocortisone cream, etc.)
- Students are NOT to carry any medication in their personal belongings or lockers unless it is an emergency medication with prior written approval.
- As of August 1, 2024, the Texas Board of Nursing (BON) is mandating School Nurses to now have a signed order from a physician to administer any medication to students, to include over-the-counter (OTC) medication.
- Parents may provide medication to have on hand for the entire year with the proper documentation. If you would like to send the nurse Tylenol, Tums, Zyrtec, cream for bug bites, cough drops, etc. you may do so in the original packaging and with the following form: “As Needed” Medication Administration Request
- If your child takes daily medication that needs to be administered at school, please send the medication in the original prescription bottles with the following form: "Daily Scheduled" Medication Adminstration Request *If your child takes morning medication, please administer BEFORE arriving to school, otherwise it will need to be administered by the nurse
- Check expiration dates. Expired medications will not be administered.
Students should stay home for the following:
Fever, which is defined as 100.0 degrees or higher
Persistent cough
More than one episode of vomiting or diarrhea within the last 24 hours
An unexplained or undiagnosed rash
Red conjunctiva of the eye with discharge
Yellow/green mucus from the nose
A diagnosed illness or virus
Lice does not require school exclusion, but recommended to return after treatment
Students may return to school:
Once fever free (less than 100.0 degrees) for a FULL 24 hours WITHOUT the use of fever reducing medication such as Acetaminophen or Ibuprofen
Once they have taken a prescribed antibiotic for a FULL 24 hours
Once free of symptoms described above unless there is a physician's note
If after an injury, once cleared by physician and with a note describing the appropriate level of activity
If Covid or other diagnosed illness, it will be based on the current CDC and DSHS recommendations.
When your child is absent from school with an illness, we ask that you please email [email protected] and cc your child's homeroom teacher or advisory teacher. This will get the information to the correct parties.
In addition, here are links to the Texas Department of Health’s requirements regarding vaccines for students in EC and K-12 for reference. Please submit updated shot records to the Nurse’s Office in the event that your child receives immunizations throughout the school year.
Please feel free to call or email me to discuss any issues or special healthcare needs of your child.
Madeline Vessell, RN
Allen Academy School Nurse
[email protected]